Motivational Mondays


Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.  Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. ~ Tao Te Ching

There are things in this world that once obtained, can never be taken away – knowledge, purpose, and love to name a few.

Knowledge like power is harnessed by a desire to grow, expand, to live beyond circumstances and situations, and once you get a taste of it, it is invigorating and empowering.  Knowledge helps us not only on an intellectual plain, but also in our spiritual realm.  The more self aware you become, the more you learn about the psyche of others, and the more verse you become on multiple topics, the quicker and better you are at adapting and adjusting to the many twists of life.

Knowledge is the sibling of purpose, because as you begin to learn, you begin to discover and it is on this journey that purpose is revealed and realized!  Knowledge breeds passion and passion equates to purpose and purpose births love.  Love is the byproduct of purpose as it stems from those things we are most passionate about.

Love is the result of pursuing purpose and can never be taken away.  The misconception is that love fails or diminishes, but the truth of the matter is that love is an energy that shifts as we do.  Love is not necessarily for the recipient but all about the giver as it is a manifestation of an inward impulse.  It is spontaneous, unpredictable, consuming, liberating, and fulfilling and once given, it does the exact same for those that receive it!  Love is the end result we all desire no matter the pursuit.

There are also things in this world that cannot be taken back once squandered – time and words.

Time is one commodity that cannot be bought or sold, you cannot get a return on it or recycle it, and once gone, you will never see again.  Use the time you have to maximize the desires of your heart.  Time wasted is an opportunity unfulfilled, but time used properly is a bottomless well of gratitude and thankfulness.

In the same breath (pun intended), choose your words carefully.  Words can either build or destroy and it is a wise person who not only knows the difference, but also practices the principles.  Our words are sharp double-edged swords that can cut, defend, free, or keep in bondage ourselves and others.  A harsh word may be forgiven, but will surely not be forgotten.  A kind word will not be forgotten, but will also break down walls and free people from captivity.  It is a foolish man who uses words only to admonish, but it takes a wise man to let his words polish.

Hold tightly and guard those things that can never be taken away as they become roots of our tree that bear good fruit.  And likewise, consciously remain aware of not forfeiting what can never be regained, as they too reflect who we are and will become and the fruit we shall bear.


1 thought on “Motivational Mondays”

  1. Thank you BrotherWord. The word you bring forth is always timely and needed. Thank you for showing us those things that we need to put our time and energy into and those that we need to be mindful of.

Thank You and Continue to Spread the Word!

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