Lemons to LemonAID

BrotherWord - Lemonade

We have no idea what life may throw at us in a moment’s notice or the ripple effect it can cause, but life is not so much about what you go through, but how you go through it.  Every storm is not intended to destroy, but in actuality, to build and show us what we are capable of accomplishing.

Phil Laboon was faced with such a storm.  Days before his wedding was scheduled to take place, for one reason or another, he no longer could go forward with the nuptials and decided to cancel his wedding.  Anyone who has witnessed a wedding ceremony has an idea about the amount of preparation that goes into planning, the excitement leading up to the big day, and the happiness and overwhelming emotions that culminate in the aftermath.  But what happens when all that goes for naught and all the plans are cancelled and the wedding is called off?  How do you salvage the euphoria and still make something memorable of the day.

Having already booked and paid for many amenities for a wedding that was no longer going to happen, Laboon began focusing his energy towards using the already paid for hall to raise awareness and funding for a worthy cause. What he was able to accomplish should be commended and it should also be a lesson.  Life can and will cause havoc and possibly wreck every plan you have made, but that is not where your story has to end.  We can not stop life from happening, but we can absolutely control how we react, how we adapt, or how we fight back.  Lemons may be bitter at first, but they can be turned into the sweetest elixir to quench the greatest of thirst.

Take a moment to view the video below.  It is a testament to how even the worse incidents can turn into the biggest blessing!  And if you are in the Pittsburgh, PA. area Sunday, August 31, 2014, click the link below the video to see how you can help Phil change the lives of many.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll




2 thoughts on “Lemons to LemonAID”

  1. We cannot control what happens, but we can control our reactions. Things are going to happen in life but we must make the best of it and move forward. Life is too short to hold on to old stuff and grudges. We must embrace the new.

    1. Well put Sherel and couldn’t agree more. Life is too short to worry and too long to wait! We have to make the most out of the time we have. Thank you for continuing to be a part of @BrotherWord.

Thank You and Continue to Spread the Word!

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