Motivational Monday

manup color chart

Today’s #MotivationalMonday is for my men, those that are ready to take their rightful place and reclaim what has been lost.  Men, we have been built with authority and power and designed to change lives and lead our communities.  The blessings bestowed upon us are not to be taken lightly and the responsibility that comes with that is something to take very seriously.  This is a task that is not for the faint of heart or weak of spirit, but for those that are willing to accept the call, pick up the mantle, and carry the torch.  You were born to be great and bred to be awesome!  Do not let anyone tell you otherwise or anything steal your God-given joy.  No one said it would be easy, but I promise together there is nothing we can not conquer.

If you are ready to answer the call, step forward to begin the journey.  Despite the perils and obstacles, the destination is worth the trials and tribulations.  Take moment to watch the video as a reminder of who you are and what lies within.  Time to #ManUp!

Thank You and Continue to Spread the Word!

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