Since the beginning of time you’ve shined like the morning sun, watched over and protected us like a full moon; Helped raise and nurture men from sons, daughters you’ve cultivated and groom.
Never given a blueprint, manuscript, or instructions to follow or sample; Ma’Dear, Big Mama, and Mommy was how you learned, they were your example.
The heart and backbone of the family, quiet security and insurmountable strength; More power than a 100 armies, a will than can never be bent.
Don’t believe me, go after her offspring and watch this Mama bear, this lioness attack; Or witness the miracle of birth and see this wonder woman bounce right back.
One of the baddest creatures walking earth,So bad that God designated you to give Jesus Christ birth; I repeat, so bad that God designated YOU to give Jesus Christ birth. Tell me, what man can measure your worth!
Not saying she is Jesus reincarnated, but a lil something like Him; Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish, while mom took 50 cents of luncheon meat and a loaf of bread to feed men.
Some beans and some rice, and all u could say after was, mmmmmm that was nice.
Mom fed the stomach and the soul; showed wisdom and understanding with a spoon and a bowl.
A Proverbs 31 woman living amongst man, quick to hit you with a timely scripture and when needed, the back of her hand.
Don’t get it twisted, God-fearing, bible-following, holy and redeemed woman; But cross her, talk back, or get out of line and all you’ll be able to say is, wish I saw that Daniel Green coming.
Never spared the rod or spoiled the child, but dished out love and affection; Kept her children covered in Jesus’ blood and Mother’s protection.
Helpmate, matriarch, disciplinarian, supporter, are only a few of the names and people you portray; Let’s not forget master chef, genie in a lamp, doctor, advocate, made all the sorrows and worries of the world fly away.
Who else could wear all those hats, fill all those shoes, heal the sick, cure the blues?
There just isn’t another, because when you’re finished with all of that, you still have to be friend, wife and lover; Simply put, you are one bad Mother!
Definitely… Without a shadow of a doubt… 100% bonafide and true, God blessed us all when He made you.
God took a look at His masterpiece, broke the mold and threw out the design; Said to Himself, this is beauty personified, magnificence divine.
Delighted in His work, He breathe life into you and said go shine; Leave none untouched, leave no one behind.
Show the world far and wide, be an inspiration to all man; Let them know that through you, they have become a part of My master plan.
Whether they call you Mom, Mama, Dear, or Madre, there is no other; No questions asked, you are one bad Mother!
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; You are the pulse that makes our blood flow, the breath in our lungs, the spirit of our heartbeat.
And whether here with us or in Heaven above, There is no one, no thing, or no distance that can match your love.
I say again and again… There is no one, no thing, or no distance that can match your love. There is NO ONE, NO THING, or NO DISTANCE that can match your love.
Love unconditional, love in abundance, love so strong it can never be broken; Love given freely, without reservation, love given with hugs and kisses like game tokens.
She is all of this and so much more, the salt of the Earth, the stars in the sky; Everything in one, appointed by the Most High.
One of a kind, an angel amongst us, often imitated, but never duplicated, there just is no other; To sum it all up, just call her ONE. BAD. MOTHER!!!
~ BrotherWord©