20 Lessons in 2020
2020 has surely been a year a like no other. It has been filled with heartache, injustice and equality, and a pandemic that continues to

Twas’ the Night Before Christmas
We all have heard the famous poem by Clement Clarke Moore regaling the musings of St. Nick on Christmas Eve. It’s a childhood favorite of

Seeing Life Clearer
As I was thinking about the last year of the decade and closing out 2019, a new vision (pun intended) began to manifest. 2019 culminated

Motivational Monday – The Labor Day Edition
As most of America is enjoying this holiday and the extended weekend, many are reminiscing on their forefathers and ancestors and the years of tireless

Feel Good Friday
It’s #FeelGoodFriday! No matter what happened during the week, you made it! And now the weekend is here! Here are some inspiring, encouraging, and uplifting

Thankful Thursday
“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.” ~ Mary Lou Retton. Today is

One Bad Mother (Reprise)
Since the beginning of time you’ve shined like the morning sun, watched over and protected us like a full moon; Helped raise and nurture men

The Chicken & The Pig
Are you bringing a contribution or making a sacrifice? Are you merely involved or totally committed? A pig and a chicken sharing the same barnyard

3 Life Changing Questions for 2019 and Beyond
At the beginning of each year, many will start the new year with vision boards, resolutions, and all sorts of promises and plans. Some will

The Best Is Yet To Come!
Breaking News!!!! In a few days we will welcome a New Year!!! I’m Not Taking Anything With Me Into 2019 that does not grow me,

Action Time!
Recently, I had surgery, a surgery in which I did not fully grasp the severity of the injury, the extensiveness of the surgery, or the

I sit here in an abyss, heartache and sorrow consuming me, How 7 years ago seem like yesterday? 7 years ago you was here

Ancient One
I’m ancient like an Egyptian pyramid, people come to me just to see what I think; Drop jewels of knowledge and love, I’m the blueprint

Thankful Thursday – World Gratitude Day
Today is World Gratitude Day! I am beyond excited to watch the world take a moment to express gratitude to each other. We all often

Be The Change
As I sat here reading the Jemele Hill story and the mounds of equal support and backlash, I couldn’t help but wonder where will this latest public

Motivational Monday
How many of us can attest to going through a storm, to being on the brink of no return, to being so overwhelmed with the

Motivational Monday
Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven… Did you

Happy Mother’s Day
Proverbs 31: 25-30 Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that

Looking In the Rearview
“Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it
Motivational Monday
Always remember who you and whose you are no matter if the world tries to tell you otherwise or people attempt to persuade you differently.
Feel Good Friday #FGF
Sometimes doing right just to do right is its own reward. Educators work tirelessly daily and oftentimes without recognition or without a mere thank
Anything is Possible
Disclaimer: I did not vote for the President-Elect nor am I in favor of the new regime entering the White House or being appointed to
Motivational Monday
“I have decided to stick with love…Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today brings a wealth of
Thankful Thursdays
Excellence, distinguished, dignified, eminent are all characteristics that would be apropos to describe our President, @BarackObama, but humble, serene, sympathetic, cerebral, strategist, husband, father, and
Super Powers
It is amazing the super strength one can momentarily garner in a time of desperation. What is even more remarkable is the bond between siblings,
Motivational Monday
As a #NewYear dawns on us, so does new hopes, aspirations, and resolutions. With each comes an invigorated spirit of excitement and dedication, but unfortunately
Feel Good Friday
It’s the weekend baby and although we should not be living for the weekend, it is always good to look forward to a break from
My Country ‘Tis of Thee
My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing; Land where my forefathers and brothers continue to die, land where it
Motivational Mondays
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. ~ Tao Te Ching There are things
Motivational Monday
Back against the wall and the walls are closing in. Do you coward in the corner or brace yourself, ready to defend? Champ or chump,
Motivational Monday
There will be times in life when you literally wonder, “Can I go on?” With every triumph, there will seem to be a more imposing
Jay-Z penned a heartfelt ode entitled “Song Cry” (circa 2002) that depicted an array of emotions that no longer manifested physically, so instead, he had
Feel Good Fridays
It’s #FGF – Feel Good Friday – and this is the #GraduationEdition! #BrotherWord is giving you a double dose of the feel good. Each year
Every person, whether still in school or not, should read this, print it out, and remind themselves as often as needed that they possess everything
The Sky Is Not the Limit
It’s graduation season again and many are being promoted to their next elevation. Whether it is the kid who is now graduating from kindergarten and
Breathe of Life
Miracles happen around us everyday, but oftentimes we are blinded to them because our idea of what a miracle looks like is based on something
Positive Vibes
Our mind is our strongest tool and greatest asset and how we perceive life and the events that happen daily will shape the life we
Feel Good Friday
It’s #FGF – Feel Good Fridays – and today BrotherWord is sharing a story about how one man turned tragedy into triumph. In 2007, Dr.
Purpose In the Pain (Bonus)
Credit @Dewdrops and Words To the Wise c/o Samanta Jonse
Purpose In the Pain
This pain I feel is wearing me down, how much turmoil can one person endure before they begin to drown. One thing is for sure,
Thankful Thursday
Everyone by now has heard about the untimely death of Prince Rogers Nelson, but what I am most THANKFUL for and what many may have
When You Know That You Know That You Know…
Knowledge is one of those things that can either build or destroy. When intellect and confidence collide, it becomes a magnanimous moment that can enlighten or at
Motivational Monday
Have you ever had a certain vision or image in mind or a design or pattern in which you think things should happen or unfold
Motivational Monday
Opportunity waits on no one and unless you are willing to face the challenge head on, you will constantly miss the mark. Those that succeed
Thankful Thursday
Sometimes the things we are most THANKFUL for are things that have yet to happen. It is the very definition of faith – the substance
Thankful Thursdays
“Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed just make your absence
Is Doing Right Ever Wrong?
In a world where people are quick to turn a blind eye and are reluctant to help others out of fear of being sued for
Thankful Thursday!
Discover God’s purpose and dreams for you. Take steps forward in obedience, enjoy the adventure along the way, and be thankful for it all. ~BrotherWord
Don’t Be Afraid To be Great!
“The future we want — opportunity and security for our families; a rising standard of living and a sustainable, peaceful planet for our kids —
Motivational Monday
There is no greater motivation than LIFE itself! Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and at any giving moment, it can come to an end.
Motivatonal Monday
New Year, Same Me; Fresh beginnings, more of this world to see. Leaving the past behind and moving forward to a life on purpose; If
Happy New Year 2016
“I am the New Year and I come to you pure and unstained from the hand of God. Each day, a precious pearl is given
Thankful Thursdays
For every bad there might be a worse; and when one breaks his leg, let him be thankful it was not his neck. ~ Joseph
Motivational Monday
How we view the world around us greatly shapes our outlook on life. More often than not, if we see the world and our
Thankful Thursdays
Colossians 3:15-17 – And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Thankful Thursdays
In a world where all the odds seem to be against you, every obstacle seems to find you, and no matter how optimistic you attempt
Perverted Power
The following material contains mature subject matter and may not be suitable for all audiences. Editorial: There has been a recent rash of horrifying
Motivational Monday
In 1994, Chicago based restaurant consultant, Allen H. Kelson, wrote an article entitled, The Ten Commandments for Menu Success, referring to food menu items. Would
Thankful Thursdays!
As kids we have a pure innocence that knows no boundaries and our dreams are as large and as magnanimous as our imagination can take
Hi BrotherWord, I recently came across an article that read, “When a man gets ready to settle down and become a provider, he doesn’t look
Motivational Monday
When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust Him fully because two things can happen. Either He can catch you when you fall
I Am An Overcomer!
Posted @HumansOfNewYork is the story of a man who refused to settle. It is one thing to know what you want out of life and
Thankful Thursdays!
Life has an uncanny way of reminding us of who we are and what we are capable of and I am so THANKFUL for that
Motivational Monday
“Success is a planned outcome, not an accident. Success and mediocrity are both absolutely predictable because they follow the natural and immutable law of sowing
What Did She Say?
“My grandmother told me that, ‘The man is the stem, and the woman is the flower… He must always be looking up at her. He’s
Test Of a Man
The test of a man is the fight that he makes, the grit that he daily shows; the way that he stands upon his feet,
Thankful Thursday – Dear New Orleans
I am THANKFUL for the city that birth me, raised me, and made me who I am, the place I call home; The one they
Thankful Thursdays
I am THANKFUL for the stars, no not the ones in the sky, but the ones on the radio and small and big screens who continue
Tell Your Story
“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” ~ Harley Davidson A musician’s first album is always their best.
Thankful Thursdays
With so much going on in the world, it is hard to find things to be THANKFUL for or show gratitude towards. The world, if
Motivational Monday
Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire, it is that thing that wakes you in the morning springing you out of the bed and
Thankful Thursdays!
I’m THANKFUL for the son that rose to give me a brighter day, For allowing the sun to set on what wasn’t for me so
#AskBrotherWord – The Secret Is Out
Dear BrotherWord, I am at a complete lost and confused and at my breaking point. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years
Can You Hear Me Now?
9 times out of 10 people simply want to be heard. They want to know that what they are saying matters, that even if
Motivational Monday
Recently there was a story about a McDonald’s employee who was swapping the happy meal toys with his mixtape. Crazy right? Definitely was not the
Not the End of the Story
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left.” If you have not heard of Project Semicolon, I
Motivational Monday
“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” – Vince Lombardi
Motivational Monday
As a man thinketh, so is he. Whatever consumes our mind, consumes our life and whatever constantly permeates our dreams, our thoughts, our conscious and
Thankful Thursdays!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT) – Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. It is hard to
Life Lessons
So often we make life more complicated than what it really is and exasperate the smallest of things blowing them out of proportion and causing
Thankful Thursdays!
As I have watched events unfold this week I cannot help but be THANKFUL for God’s continued grace and mercy. I am far from perfect
To Protect and Serve
What is this country coming to! In 2015 alone we have seen firsthand the disconnect between law enforcement and society. The divide is growing greater
Motivational Monday
Life is full of mysteries and wonders, many of which cannot be explained and some, no matter how hard you may try, are beyond understanding
Thankful Thursdays!
There will be circumstances in life where there seems nothing is going right and no matter how much you try, you just cannot get a
Eye of the Beholder
It’s said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when you look in the mirror, what image do you see. Is it the
The Future is Yours
As you embark on this next phase of life, if you remember nothing else, remember that your destiny is whatever you choose. Many will try
Motivational Monday
This one is for those that said I shouldn’t, wouldn’t, or couldn’t. All I heard was maybe you should, if you don’t who would, truth
Thankful Thursdays!
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Ghandi There is so much to be THANKFUL for
Motivational Monday
Whatever it is you desire in life you are going to have be better than good, better than the rest, able to withstand the trials
Still I Rise
Still I Rise This world will try to destroy your dreams, break your will, shake you to your core; Hold on, fight your way through,
Thankful Thursdays!
* Dedicated to the many who have passed and those of us who will forever miss them. * Today I am THANKFUL for memories that
Motivational Monday
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot
Motivational Monday
Ding, ding, round number 2, Get off the mat, you haven’t been counted out yet, it’s time for your breakthrough, Tell me I can’t, Tell
Motivational Monday
Life is one challenge after another and just when you think you have passed one test, here comes another. Each challenge is meant to push
The Simple Things In Life
In a world that oftentimes moves at a sprinter’s pace, it is the little things that are routinely looked over and ignored. But what would
Motivational Monday
On yesterday, the Oscars witnessed Black History in the making! Watching @Common and @JohnLegend perform and accept their award for Best Original Song for “Glory”
Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day to all. A day dedicated to spreading love, but what if one day turned into a daily ritual of expressing the