“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.” ~ Mary Lou Retton.
Today is literally the only day we have! Scary huh? But guess what? It’s exciting too! Don’t believe me? Take a little journey with me through today and at the end of the day, come back and tell me what you think. Deal?
The Dalai Lama is quoted as saying, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do, and mostly… Live.” Today is YOUR DAY! I was listening to a seminar this week and the speaker spoke about how often many people succumb to stress, anxiety, and depression because they become consumed by the things of the past (yesterday) or become worried about what may lie ahead (tomorrow). But what about today (present)?
Today is truly all we have. Until time travel is perfected, we still cannot go into the past and have a do over. And even the scripture tells us not to worry about tomorrow as tomorrow will worry about itself. Here is another nugget for to you think about. Once you get to tomorrow, guess what it is called? That’s right! It will be TODAY! Perspective shapes just about everything around us and ultimately, the same sort of energy we expel is same type that we attract. Whatever you manifest, whether by thought or deed, will become your reality. So why not choose optimism, happiness, thankfulness, gratefulness, peace, joy, love, and all the wonderful things life has to offer?
Today and every present day, I challenge each of us to start with one thing to be thankful for. Allow that one thought to multiple and draw like-minded thoughts, people, and circumstances. You do know that the energy you release is like a magnet and will attract similar energy that will be drawn to you and stick with you?
So what do you want sticking to you and following you around today? Peace? Let no thing or no one shake you from your inner peace. Seeking happiness? Be happy with who you are, where you are in life, and knowing that today will present plenty of opportunities to build upon and become a better version of yourself. How about thankfulness? The things to be thankful for each and every day is countless. From waking up, food to eat, roof over our head, to family and friends, and all the wonders of the universe that make up the world around us and the people we are, there are more things to be thankful for than there are hours in the day.
So what do you think? Is today all we have and better yet, can you see how it is the best day of all? My prayer and hope is that today greets you with all life has to offer and no matter what that may look like, you choose to see it with optimism, happiness, and thankfulness. Not worrying about yesterday or wondering about tomorrow, but embracing and maximizing all that today has to offer. Carpe Diem!
“The future depends on what you do today.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Thank you BrotherWord! This is right on time. Tears are in my eyes as I read your post! I can not thank you enough for your encouragement. You hit it right on the head when you said What about today?! We are so worried about the past which has come and gone and about the future “tomorrow” which has not even happened, that we neglect the present moment and the day we are currently in. We miss out on the beauty and the blessing that this day has to offer. This is a new day that we have never seen and will never see again. How can we truly live this day when we are too consumed with days that have past or days that have not yet been seen. Thank you holy spirit those days have been seen by you and only you and God are in control. Thank you again for helping me change my perspective that helps me to change my life!