Dedicated Life Coach Speaker
Larry Moore is a dynamic keynote speaker with an interesting viewpoint. provides audiences with resources to enhance performance, communication, and outcomes. Expert in transformation, motivation, leadership, personal development, and challenges affecting Millennials and other generations as well as women in business.

- The More You Think, The More You Thank
- Choose To be Great
- The Power of Words: Effective and Empowering Communication
- Change Starts In the Mirror
- Want To be Heard? Start Listening
Watch MOORE Inspire and Motivate!
Watch MOORE On From the Pulpit to The People

Millennials Are From Mars, Boomers Are From Venus: Cultures That Bridge Generational Divides
Generational differences have become diversity issues leading to increased frustration and decreased profit in many companies. To effectively lead a multigenerational workforce and be competitive in today’s economy, it is imperative to be aware of how generational influences uniquely impact workplace performance. This program helps participants leverage the workplace characteristics unique to each generation: Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials/Gen Y. Learn how to successfully engage members from each generation to create a more harmonious and profitable work environment. As a Millennial expert, Christine offers an inside look at the mindset of the 20- and 30-something employee. Her refreshing take on Millennials will leave the audience with a new perspective on this generation that comprises more than 75% of the Global Workforce.
Key Take-Aways:
- The three factors which drive generational change
- Overview of the current generational landscape and forecasting the change ahead
- Breakdown of the unique characteristics, traits, and workplace priorities and preferences of the four generations
- Specific strategies for communicating within and between generations to create an exceptional workplace culture
- How to ensure and optimize knowledge transfer from generation to generation
- Approaches to establishing and encouraging reverse mentoring relationships
- Front-line tested techniques to attract, engage and retain the BEST of the generation that is 80 millions strong: Gen Y / Millennials
- Tools for encouraging leadership and resolving conflicts (especially generational misunderstandings) within your organization

Stay Sane in a Tech Obsessed, Hyper Competitive & Stressed Out Manic World
In our world of constant connection and endless to do lists, are you truly living a full life? Or is it just busy? This distinction will make you a better employee, manager, spouse, parent, and friend. Somewhere along the way we have taken on busy-ness as a badge of honor. We are expected to (and think we should be able to) “do it all.” But what does that really mean? And furthermore, is it it truly the key to success? In Christine’s inspirational program, the sense of overwhelm that many people struggle with becomes an opportunity to clarify what is truly important. Rather than feel the pressure to wear a mask of a multi-tasking superhero who is depleted and constantly stressed inwardly, Christine’s message is to ditch the expectation of “doing it all.” Instead she teaches well researched personal development and communication strategies to empower audiences into “being your all.” Christine’s engaging style leaves the audience motivated and with tools they can implement to live less busy and more fulfilling lives.
Key Take-Aways:
- The 5 most common “compensatory strategies” that create results but not internal fulfillment
- Insight into the main psychological drivers that influence how people communicate
- The power of ditching expectations and creating agreements
- Mindfulness practices that increase both productivity and well-being
- Three ways to immediately raise your fulfillment level

Why Understanding and Aligning with Gen Z Is More Important Than Ever
Generation Z (aka Gen Z or iGen), refers to the generation that was born between 1997-2013. They follow the massive and notorious “Millennial” Generation; however, are already demonstrating much different qualities than the generation before them. Gen Z accounts for 27% of the U.S. population and this generation will have $44 billion- yes capital B- in buying power. This year alone, Gen Z will command 40% of all consumer shopping.
In this program Christine teaches you how to understand and align with Gen Z. She cuts through the noise about how to reach the Gen Z consumer. She highlights the psychology about this unique generation, how the way they were parented impacts their behavior, and teaches what drives their purchasing decisions.
Key Take-Aways:
- Ways to connect with Gen Z that create loyalty, trust and brand allegiance
- The psychology that drives the Generation Z consumer
- Why this generation is more different than any other generation in history
- What makes them unique from other generations, especially Gen Y/Millennials
- How to get the attention and leverage Gen Z’s 8 second attention span (compared with 12 seconds for Millennials)
- The importance of having a “voice” and a purpose for business (other than just making money)
- Understanding Gen Z’s desire for digital experiences, purpose, and convenience

Leadership from the Inside Out
Leadership is about inspiring people to walk toward a common vision. What empowers leaders to do that is “walking the talk.” Great leaders lead themselves in a way that inspires others to walk with them. In her engaging program, Christine demonstrates the connection between self-awareness and leadership effectiveness. Utilizing her background in executive coaching and psychology, she illuminates the blind spots when it comes to being an impactful leader in both business and life. Christine helps leaders at all levels – because we all lead in our life whether it is an entire organization, one person, or in our family – understand how to harness their authentic potential to lead from the inside out. Christine’s interactive style leaves the audience motivated with tools they can implement to not only be more effective leaders, but live more fulfilling lives.
Key Take-Aways:
- Your unique leadership style – the “secret sauce” that empowers you to lead by the virtue of who you are
- The key drivers will ignite your passion and consequently inspire others
- How to avoid “expectation hangovers” in the workforce and at home
- Specific strategies for communicating and leading within and between the generations (Millennials, X’ers and Boomers) to create an exceptional workplace culture
- Tools to identify and cultivate your own and others leadership potential
- Mindfulness practices that increase both productivity and well-being
- Three ways to immediately raise your fulfillment level and life balance

Expectation Hangovers: Leveraging Change and Mastering Resilience
This keynote is based on Christine’s latest national best seller Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself From your Past, Change Your Present and Get What you Really Want and can be customized to the change that your corporation, organization, or audience is currently facing. We all face setbacks we cannot control, yet we often forget that we have a choice about how to handle those setbacks. The Expectation Hangovers we feel in the wake of disappointment, failure, or loss can become doorways to tremendous opportunities and life-changing gifts. Managing your expectations is not about lowering your standards. Master coach and speaker Christine Hassler explains how to pursue the right goals for the right reasons and also what to do when things don’t work out as expected.
Key Take-Aways:
- Understanding why change happens
- How to develop a positive perspective on personal and professional setbacks
- The “secret sauce to pursuing goals without expectations
- Navigate communication during challenging times effectively
- Grow mentally, emotionally, behaviorally, and spiritually
- Turn your disappointments into possibilities
- Three ways to immediately raise your fulfillment level and life balance