One of BrotherWord’s faithful followers was gracious enough to partake in a Q&A about Valentine’s day and love & relationships. Her answers are very poignant and shed much light on the mindset of many women. Even more, she is a testament to the strength and meaning of true love. Take a moment to read her answers and see if they differ or align with your thoughts.
What is Valentine’s day to you?
I like to think it’s a day to celebrate unconditional love.
Going into Valentine’s Day, a day that is supposedly all about love and togetherness, how do you feel being single and not having found the right person to share such a day with?
Well just because I don’t have a “special” man to share it with, I’m still surrounded by love from my family and friends. Sure sometimes you get the “relationship blues” from all the lovey dovey-ness going on around you…but it’s short lived and I’m seasoned enough now to know that one month doesn’t dictate the other 11 just as one day doesn’t dictate the other 364 ;-). As far as not having found the right person to share it with, I feel I have shared my days with whom I’m supposed to have but my forever, he’ll come when it’s time.
What is about Valentine’s day that you share with your kids?
I don’t really put too much detailed emphasis on it. I let them participate in the school activities. I also buy them each a little something special to let them know, no matter what, they will always be my special valentines.
Do you feel love has abandoned you or let you down?
Uh no lol…I love myself enough to know that I don’t need a man to complete me. I would love to find the right one to compliment me, but in the mean time I am just going to keep on working on myself until he presents himself and I am okay with that. Everyone in life is a lesson or a blessing, sometimes both. I have taken away a lot of lessons and have grown a lot in my adulthood; I don’t feel abandoned or let down.
Thank you so much to the lady simply referred to as “R” for her gracious time and honest and open answers. How do you feel about the answers? Agree, disagree, have something to add? Leave your comment and thoughts here or on Twitter @BrotherWord with the hashtag #LoveRequiem.