Motivational Post

BrotherWord - Look in the Mirror

Who you see is who you will be. ~ BrotherWord

Vision without action is no more than a dream.  Dreams are the beginning of aspirations, illuminating, invigorating, a oftentimes, inspiring.  However, a dream that is not followed by work shall forever remain dormant.  Dreams are important, but vision is vital.  Think of your vision as your blueprint to your destiny and it all revolves around how you see yourself.

Vision is cast as we live in the moment.  Sounds crazy, a bit off doesn’t it?  How do I prepare for the future and thrive in the present at the same time?  How am I supposed to plan for tomorrow if I am supposed to concentrate and focus on today.  Think of it as a road trip.  You know your destination, where you are trying to get to, but how to get there is the key.  Like a map, so is your life.  Devise a plan, anticipate roadblocks and traffic, navigate the roads, look both ways, stay alert, and pray for traveling grace.  In order to reach your destination, you first have to get into your vehicle (live the dream); start the engine (become fired up about the possibilities); buckle up (the road may get rough and there will be setbacks along the way); make sure the tank is full (pour into your dream and surround yourself with a team that will pour into you as well); and finally, began to accelerate (get moving and start making strives toward accomplishing all you have set out to achieve).  In no time, you will reach your destination.

The subconscious is the mirror to the soul and the eyes are its windows.  How you see yourself, how you perceive your worth and purpose, will ultimately determine if you reach your destination.  We already know that everyone may not align with, support, or last as we make our journey, but we can never forget who we are or why we are doing it.  If your subconscious is the mirror, be willing to look within, search your soul for clarity, direction, and courage, and know without a shadow of a doubt that the only person who can steer the course of your life, is the one staring back at you in the mirror.  Be willing to dig deep and pull out your best!  Let your eyes be the windows to opportunity, open and inviting, and the barriers to block anything unwanted and undesired.  But don’t be deceived either by what you see.  Remember the grass is not always as green as it may appear and there are no shortcuts despite how enticing either may seem.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  Remain faithful that your vision will come to fruition.  Who you see is who you will be and when your vision aligns with your work ethic, the reflection will be a magnificent sight to behold.

Thank You and Continue to Spread the Word!

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